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Why does the laser cutting machine cut round holes not round?

The traditional method of sheet metal punching is to use a punching press, relying on the external hard force to directly act on the surface of the workpiece, which is likely to cause shortcomings such as low accuracy and multiple edge punctures. However, the emergence of laser cutting technology has changed the current disadvantaged situation. , More and more processing companies have begun to choose laser to cut round holes. The processing section is smooth, and the diameter can be changed at any time. The operation flexibility is high. However, with modern processing methods, a skilled operator is required. Improper operation will cause irregular circles.

1. It may be that your light intensity has not been adjusted properly, resulting in no coincidence at the end. Generally speaking, the difference between the maximum light intensity and the minimum light intensity should not exceed 5% and the speed should not be adjusted too fast. If it is too fast, it may jump. Frame, the result will not overlap.

2. Then look at your hardware: whether there is any problem with the beam, lens, nozzle, etc.

3. Check the servo motor, or is the cutting head fixed loose?

4. The blowing air pressure is not suitable

During the blowing process, when the air pressure is too low, slag scraping and carbonization will occur at the edges, and the holes will burst easily if the pressure is too high. Therefore, this requires the craftsman and the machine to cooperate perfectly, and use experience to choose the right air pressure, so as to make the cut round hole more full.

5. The round hole is too small

The best solution for the laser cutting machine to cut round holes is the round hole ratio 1:1, which means that the ratio of the hole diameter to the plate thickness is 1:1. Of course, this ratio, that is to say, the larger the hole diameter, the higher the quality of the circle. Hole is easier. Otherwise, when the energy of the fiber laser cutting machine is insufficient, the small holes will be easily cut and the broken points will remain and the round holes will not be round.

6. The servo motor parameters are wrong

The round hole sometimes appears ellipse or irregular. This is related to the mismatch of the XY axis movement, and the direct cause of the XY axis movement is not adjusted properly. Therefore, the quality of cutting round holes also has certain requirements for the servo motor.

7. The precision error of the guide rail and the lead screw leads to

If the parameter error of the servo motor affects the cutting quality, then the accuracy error of the guide rail and the lead screw will directly lead to the accuracy of the round hole not reaching the expected. This is related to the strength of the laser cutting machine manufacturer. Usually, some small factories will trick customers into saying that the accuracy of the laser cutting machine can reach 0.1mm, but in fact, in the actual operation process, the quality and effect of laser drilling will be poor. Good, affect the added value of the product. Therefore, it is very necessary to choose high-quality and large-brand laser cutting machines.

All these parameters are used to identify whether the precision, speed and other parameters of cutting round holes meet the standard requirements, and they are sufficient to identify whether the quality of the laser cutting machine purchased is satisfactory. Therefore, customers must keep their eyes open when buying a laser cutting machine.

Four factors affecting the cutting accuracy of fiber laser cutting machine

1. The size of the laser agglomeration of the laser generator: If the light spot is small after aggregation, the cutting accuracy will be higher, and if the gap after cutting is also small. It shows that the fiber laser cutting machine has high precision and good quality. But the beam emitted by the laser is cone-shaped, so the slit cut out is also cone-shaped. Under this condition, the greater the thickness of the workpiece, the lower the accuracy, so the larger the slit.

Fiber laser cutting machine

2. The accuracy of the worktable: If the accuracy of the worktable of the fiber laser cutting machine is very high, the accuracy of the cutting will also increase. Therefore, the accuracy of the worktable is also an important factor to measure the accuracy of the laser generator.

3. The laser beam is condensed into a cone: When the fiber laser cutting machine cuts, the laser beam is tapered downwards. At this time, if the thickness of the cutting workpiece is large, the cutting accuracy will decrease, and the gap will be cut. Larger.

4. the cutting materials are different: it will also affect the accuracy of the fiber laser cutting machine. In the same situation, the precision of fiber laser cutting machine for cutting stainless steel and aluminum will be different, the cutting precision of stainless steel will be higher, and the cut surface will be smoother.

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